Friday, November 7, 2008

I don't care how many free worlds you lead, this kid needs to do her homework

So I figured it was about time I got back to blogging. I had sort of let this blog go after focusing so much of my blogging efforts on the Something Something Burt Ward blog, which is pretty much dead. It wasn't officially killed, just "de-emphasized" but since the last entry on that site was in mid-september, and it was by me, I think it's fair to assume there's not much change it'll have a re-birth any time soon.

So yeah, Obama is President-elect. I'm obviously very excited about this, on a small scale, it's just nice to finally have voted for someone who won a presidential election (I'm looking at you Gore and Kerry!) but also, as has been said and in far more eloquent ways than I can, it is amazing to have lived at this moment in history. I had a discussion with my friend Jeff Burgstrom at a show on Wednesday about how sorry we felt for the people who were so focused on the partisan politics of the matter that they wouldn't be able to appreciate the sheer weight of the moment itself.

One thing I found funny though is today I was reading an article on Huffington Post regarding the schedule of President-elect Obama, including his first official press conference and a transition economic meeting to discuss the current financial crisis and how to approach it come January. However, before that newly elected President and his wife are attending parent teacher conferences at their daughter's school.

Can you imagine the sheer absurdity of being a teacher who has to sit down with a man who was just elected president in one of the most historic elections in history, and talk to him about how his kids are doing in school the same week as said election? Three nights ago this guy made Oprah cry and today you have to tell him that Malia needs to focus more on her math homework.*

Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of parent teacher conferences in regards to the education of children, it's just funny (funny weird, not funny ha-ha) for me whenever you see politicians doing normal mundane things. For over a year now Barack Obama has been more of a symbol than an individual person, but the fact is, despite his new job and iconic status, he's still a father. It's not exactly as mundane as it would be for him to be heading down for an oil change, but it still made me chuckle.

*Pure speculation, I don't have any actual knowledge of how good or bad Malia Obama is at math.

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