Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Beer Battered Kittens

So PETA has launched a new campaign to stop people from fishing and eating fish.  Their plan is to rename fish "Sea Kittens" and yes, it is for real.  This isn't someone making a satirical campaign to mock PETA, this is for real.  Setting aside the irony thatPETA kills a very high amount of cats in their shelters, I just find the whole thing hysterical.  Because if you look at their site, there is a lot of production value in it, they clearly spent a lot of time working on it, probably hired a design contractor to do the site, had creative meetings on the "Sea Kitten bedtime stories" and the "make your own Sea Kitten" function, which by the way includes amongst the things you can dress your own Sea Kitten in, a set of swim floaties, which I'm pretty sure would kill a fish, as they tend to want to remain below the surface, and you know, continue to breathe. 

But what makes me laugh the most about the whole campaign is this:  It's made me eat fish.  I've eaten fish three times in the last five days, and I think I'd eaten it maybe five times in the past year before this.  And I'm not doing it out of some asshole attempt to spite PETA, I'm not saying screw them I'll eat more fish.  Reading their site last week just made me feel a craving for fish, it made them look more appealing than usual. 

I first ate a fish sticks TV dinner from my freezer on thursday, ate a fish sandwich at a pub-style restaraunt on saturday night, and then had a Filet-o-Sea-Kitten at McDonalds last night.  And they were all AWESOME.  I had sort of forgotten how good a fried fish filet could be, but PETA made me crave a little tartar sauce, with a hint of malt vinegar and hot sauce on the breading. 

It almost makes me curious how their land-dwelling cousins taste...